Do you know what I want?
I want a degree. Innn Biology, No radiology, NO, Marine Biology!!!!
Actually NO Bloody - idea - at - all - ology ….
I’ve spent years convincing myself I don’t want one. Or need one. But I do. It's like a heady out of reach, tantalising award that I've never quite gotten within stretching distance of. I tried. Oh yes siree-bob I tried. I questioned what in the sweet Sidney Crosby I was doing at Uni at the time. But I did go. And started training to be a teacher & could not have been more terrified. I suddenly realised that at the tender age of 19, I had the responsibility for children’s education. Bloody hell!!! My brain, shrinking backwards in my head was screaming - 'You'd better get this right you oversized tree, otherwise you're about to screw over a bunch of year 2 children who will carry bad teaching with them through-out their school career!' Now, overly dramatic you may think. But, cast your mind back to when you were taught & I bet a bad teacher sticks out in your mind like a tack that needs banging into a piece of wood. I couldn't take the responsibility. THEN I realised how shockingly little I KNEW as an adult in my own knowledge base and education, and well, I bolted, because my brain had shut the doors on learning, and put up a groovey ‘gone fishing’ sign.