We are
such a cyclic species. Especially when it comes to things that bug us. People
will always have a gripe about something. Poles taking our jobs, mixed
marriages, religion, politics..... you name it, we will have a very formative
opinion on it. At the moment it seems that the same sex marriage is once again
in the cross hairs with the recent consultations that have taken place bringing
it to the forefront of complaintsville.
I find it a very mixed keg pot of explosive. There are many many
people who are in favour of this. And also see it as a good step towards
equality. Then there are those who see it as an abomination and that it means
the whole world is tipping towards the U bend of the universe. (which I think
is a bit harsh, I mean, one look at the state of the world today should reveal
we are WAAAY past the u bend in general....)
will always disagree on this topic. And that is actually okay. It’s the diversity
of humans that make us such an interesting race. But the one thing that
unfortunately sets us apart from the rest of the species on the planet, is the
depth of hatred that we will allow ourselves to sink to. To the point where is
becomes out of control and makes us less human and more straight out of 28 days
later. Statements of, ‘If my son was Gay
I would kill him’ or stating 'When gays kiss/have sex/hold hands it’s disgusting
and they should be beaten' When exactly did this become okay to say this?!?!
Alright, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But don't promote violence
against it? I’m (clearly) not a fan of
hetro sex. It doesn’t do anything for me, and to be honest, find the thought of
it a bit stomach churning. Because it’s not something I would enjoy. But I don’t
think you should be shot in the head for it. Nor do I think you should stop
doing it. My girlfriend hates Olives, and I love them. But she’s not going to
beat me to death for eating them.......
The US seem to have a far bigger issue with LGBT then the UK. You
only have to read @homophobes on twitter which exposes homophobic tweets to see
that the majority of them are from the USA.
For Example:-
- @tarzansavelo If you see someone wearing purple today , punch them in the face bc they most likely be a ~faggot~ #SpiritDay
- @WextinP I hate gays & lesbians...if u don't RT it means u're one!.*By force allegation*
- @WayneL_Jr If I had a Son & he turn out to be Gay, I'd kill him then kill myself for raisin a Faggot.
- @Omar_Alkhadra Its disgusting how some people are pro gay marriage. The way they makes me sick.
Ah yes. The Pro Gay Marriage thing. I (shockingly) am pro gay
marriage. I think it’s a fantastic thing and is a long time in coming. I don't
believe that religious venues should be forced to hold same sex marriages if
they are strongly against it. That is wrong. However I do thing we should be
afforded the opportunity to marry if we wish. The same being said that if heterosexual
couples wished to have a civil partnership then they should be allowed. Equality
is a two way street. I understand that some people will be totally against same
sex marriage. Because people are entitled to their opinion, no matter how
antiquated, bigoted or down right loathsome it may appear to you. They have a
voice and are allowed to use it. That said I disagree COMPLETELY with
the way the Christian faith has been used as a means of justifying
the virile spew I have heard against same sex marriage. It
is abhorrent.
The fundamentals of any faith are to love your fellow human being.
Most faiths promote equality. They promote compassion, love, and general joy
joy feelings to other people in the world. Peaceful paths and whatnot. The
whole, 'it’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve' debate, alongside comparing
homosexuality to Nazi's paedophiles and abnormalities in the name of faith is
just ludicrous. Most people are content enough to say, ‘you know what, I don’t
agree with it, but live and let live.’ Others are SO broadsided by the very
idea that they are pulling the name of Christianity into disrepute. Yes. The
Old testament does in fact have one, small passage to tag against LGBT. But,
and please correct me if I am wrong, Aren't we (those of religious leaning)
supposed to be following the new testament? Isn't that why the New Testament
was bought about? Because the old testament was, well, old and out dated???? It
doesn't mention Gayers in the new testament. But there are about 700 passages
about love and compassion that these people are seemingly ignoring.......
And whilst they are up there on their soap box with a biblical
shot gun in their hands, they completely fail to spot their own hypocrisy. I
don't see them following the rest of the suggestions the bible is
-Shaving - Leviticus 19:27
-Cursing - Ephesians 5:4 (I'm CLEARLY going to hell)
-Gossip - Leviticus 19:16 (Oh SO many people are breaking this
-Footballs on Saturdays -Exodus 20:8 (So that's most of the male
population condemned)
-Eating Lobster - Leviticus 11:10 (Aw man. I wanted to try
-Eating Pork - Leviticus 11:7 (No more bacon fry ups for the
hung-over masses)
-Cotton/Polyester Blends - Leviticus 19:19 (So that will be
Billabong and Animal out of business then)
-Associating with women who are having their periods - Leviticus
15:19-20 (Marriage for hetro's could be awkward for 7 days of each month
In fact,
Daniel A. Helminiak sums up the Bibles take on this far better than I ever
could, as being an ordained priest in rome, has a much better handle on this! I
encourage you to read his take...
If you
don’t like it, you don’t like it. But don’t use your faith to cover up and
justify your hatred. Don’t cower behind it and make out that you have no say in
your own outlook because ‘it says it in the bible.’ Own it. And let people see
you for who you really are.
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