Thursday, 16 May 2013

Sci-Fi. Dear Sci-fi....

You know. We are so influenced by television. And by life around us.

People, places. Things, wants needs in general.

Genres upon genres exist in the televised world., allowing us to peak into the unknown, experience the grandeur, and the wonder. Expand on the mysterious and the taboo. To question, to think, to pick apart, to escape.

Ah to escape. To become immersed in universes so vast, so unquantifiable, that they literally take us on a journey across an expanse so wide, that we are breathless and left wanting much more. This is the world of Sci-Fi.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Oh the things women do....

I'm not talking about the mental things we do sometimes to impress someone we're attracted too. Or some of the outfits I have seen women squeeze themselves into. (Although that probably deserves its own section to be fair) I'm talking about putting up with womanly things. I.E. the dreaded period.....If you're a bloke, I would stop here.